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Sowa Pan 360°
Acrylic and graphite on canvas with photographs and plexiglass
97-22-1, museum purchase

Born in Simonstown, Cape Province, in 1941, Georgia Papageorge earned a bachelor's in fine arts from the University of South Africa in Pretoria (1979) and a higher diploma in graphics from Pretoria Technikon (1981). Papageorge turned to art after she lost her two-year-old daughter to cancer--a loss that continues to inspire her work.

Papageorge is best known for her large-scale environmental installations through which she explores the phenomena of geological rifts, and their metaphorical extension to personal and political upheaval. Much of Papageorge's earlier work commented on the turmoil of apartheid and the "rifted consciousness" it created. In the last 15 years, Papageorge's work has been driven by her study of the Gondwanaland schism. Her most recent projects use the coastal landscapes of southern Africa and Brazil to explore concepts of rift, synchronicity and transcendence--concepts she infuses with deep spiritual meaning.

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